Air fight between U.S. & “U.F.O.”
« on: May 14th, 2007
Battle in the Sky!
By Messenger Elijah Muhammad
Reprinted from the May 25, 1973 edition of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper
The Bible and Holy Qur-an, both books, refer to the final war between God and the devil that would be decided in the sky. The white race was given the authority and power and 6,000 years to rule us, the Black Nation of earth, but at the end of 6,000 years there would be a great time of trouble and a great display of the signs of this final war between God and the white race (the devil).
These signs would serve as a warning to us and what we may expect. And, as we see today, they are coming to pass. And, all of the other signs and prophecies of such signs appearing just around that time of the ending and destruction of the world of evil (the white race) and the displaying of these signs, as Jesus mentioned some in the Heavens and some on the earth; and the preparation to be made for a final battle between God and the devil.
The white man has conquered both land and sea travel. The sea travel. The sea used to serve as a barrier against him. But now the white man has conquered her. The white man now can go over her surface in the worst of storms, and he can go through her with under-surface boats as well (submarines).
Now the white man has cast his eyes into space (the sky), to conquer it, and he is doing that. The white race, having knowledge of what they may expect today, they are spending billions of dollars on space travel. He has brought the moon to him and see some of the stars. The main thing I guess you are thinking is: Can he win against God, if God and His Prophets have foretold the outcome of this battle in the sky?
It is impossible for the white race to win. What makes it impossible for them to win is because they have not the power of the forces of nature, while the power of the forces of nature is in the Hand of God making it impossible for the white man to win in a war of this sort.
The white man cannot win against the God on earth, so why waste billions of dollars to fight against the God Who Has Power Over The Heavens and Earth? Why all of this hurry to try to ascend into the Heavens for a close-up peek into the planets when you are destined to be defeated? Both books (Bible, Holy Qur-an) prophesy of a great defeat for you. The Holy Qur-an refers to the Heavens as being a “guarded canopy” and, warns you that they have a flame waiting for you.
Also, the Bible prophesies in Revelations (the last book of the Bible), that fire was used to destroy the white race after they ascended on the breath of the earth (air). So we see them going up on the breath of the earth daily. What is their plan for wanting to land on the moon since they know they cannot make the moon their home? The white man would have to continue to live off the earth’s air (oxygen and hydrogen).
The earth would still have to produce all their food for them. So, it is useless to think of any planet other than the earth as a home for earth people. Then, why are they spending billions of dollars just to go and look at these planets, or to try to land people on the moon? What are their plannings for Mars and Venus since they cannot live on these planets?
Do they think that they could fight God from the moon? Just remember, the old Bible’s prophecy: Thou may ascend above the clouds into the Heavens, but yet I will bring thee down to the sides of Hell. Or, you may go on the bottom of the sea-and that they are doing today.
The Holy Qur-an further says that whenever God gets ready to destroy a people, He opens up the heavens for them and gives them the pleasure of what they seek or lust after. And, then He destroys them.
The Holy Qur-an further prophecies that the Heavens would be open to this people and the veil of every secret would be removed. This prophecy does not mean that the white man will, after that, be able to win against God in a battle between them and God. ”
The Pictures are an Artist rendition of what The MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD(PBUH) warned . As America plans to attack another Muslim Nation (Iran), and plans to take the lives of the Black people here in America (and the whole world of people of color) , look for THESE PLANES , THEY ARE STANDING BY!!!
Salaam—-Here are the reasons why the Americans couldnot shoot down one of the planes from the MOTHERSHIP in 1942. The Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) stated, “The Mother Plane is made of the finest steel in Asia.
It was made on the Island of Nippon (Japan) in 1929, and also took flight that same year.
Black, Brown, Red and Yellow Scientists built the Mother plane.
The Scientists did not know what they were building.
Her size is Half-mile by Half-mile square
Her shape is oval.
Her speed is up to 9,000 miles per hour
Her flying ability is nine thousand (9,000) miles per hour in any direction, up or down, to or fro, in any direction without making a complete directional turn.
Her contents are 1,500 small circular planes, as the devil calls them, “FLYING SAUCERS.”
These small planes carry three (3) bombs each, they also shoot flames of fire.
The Blackmen who pilot these small planes have been taught from the age of six that they are to do a special job.
These pilots can hit any spot in America, blindfolded as the Devil will soon see.
The bombs that the small planes contain weigh two tons each.
They are designed to drill into the Earth upon contact, and drill from one (1) to six (6) miles through stone and rock and to explode, destroying civilization or any living matter (or life) within a fifty (50) mile radius.
After these bombs explode, a poisonous gas is found to snuff out the remaining life, if any still exists.
The purpose of the Mother Plane is to destroy the most wicked place ever to be on the planet Earth at any time (america, the Great Mystery Babylon).
Her position is 40 miles out from the Earth’s sphere.
She holds this position from 6 to 12 months at a time. When this time is up, the Mother Plane comes into the atmosphere of the Earth; it projects huge suction pipes out into the atmosphere to take in fresh air for our Brothers inside, then she retakes her position.
At the dropping of the bombs, the flames will reach twelve (12) miles, in all directions.
When the Destruction comes, America will burn 390 years and take 610 years to cool off. The Great Mystery Babylon (America) will perish in the flames of fire. Allah will even cause the air in which we breathe to ignite along with the atmosphere. “
May 17th, 2007
Salaam—–THE THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE BENEFICENT, THE MERCIFUL——”And we sought to reach heaven, but we found it filled with strong guards and flames”–Holy Qur’an 72:8—-”The last battle willbe intergalactic”–Gen. Douglas MacArthur—-”They(devils) see the end of their world and they see signs of the Son Of Man coming in the sky with power and great glory(the great Ezekiel’s wheel and the unity of the Muslim world and the distress of nations).”—Honorable Elijah Muhammad(pbuh), Messege To The Blackman, page 293———–It is shameful that such a great government as America has ignored the warning of ALLAH’s Messengers and their own scientist, concerning the time. We are seeing daily the fall of western civilization by the hour, and the leaders and rulers of America willnot submit to the will of ALLAH, going beyond all limits ,to the point of declaring war on Islam and ALLAH Himself based on a lie!–This war, the war of ARMAGEDDON, is being waged not just on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, with talk of new wars in Iran, the main battlefield of the war of Armageddon is the mind of man. The first victim of war is TRUTH, but to-day truth has a defender, The Great Mahdi and the Message He gave to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad concerning this day and time for us.—-During this years Saviour’s Day speech Minister Farrakhan ended his speech just as he was about to go into the Messenger’s teachings on the Mother’s Plane. For those who havenot seen this years Saviour’s Day speech please watch it and listen to it close, for I must say that it was a timly speech!—Now, let us make it plain(level, flat, even and clear) to those who donot have the history of this subject. The so-called U.F.O.’s that has been much talked about and seen for a great number of years ARENOT from “another world”, but was made HERE ON EARTH! The Messenger Elijah Muhammad wrote on this subject in MESSAGE TO THE BLACKMAN, FALL OF AMERICA, and spoke on this subject during THE THEOLOGY OF TIME. This subject is well known by the American government, and the rulers of America KNOW that the Messenger spoke nothing but truth. Yet they(America) have filled the minds of the people with so much mis-information concering this subject, that many think it is something out of sci-fi fiction.—The Truth is this: what they call U.F.O. or the Mothership was made or buildt from 1909 to 1929 on one of the islands of the coast of Japan(Nippon). Made from the finest steel in Asia, this oval shaped plane, which is 1/2 mile by 1/2 mile can travel up to 9,000 miles per hour in ANY direction, and has on it a fleet of 1,500 smaller plans or as the white man calls them “flying saucers”. Each of these smaller plans has 3 bombs and can shoot flames of fire. The Bible’s book of Ezek. speaks of this wheel pouring fire on the cities. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that ” these pilots can hit ANY spot in America, blindfolded”, and that the bombs of these planes can drill 1 mile into the earth and will explode, sending up mountains 1 mile high, destroying ANYTHING within a 50 mile radius. The pilots of these planes are from the 4 Nation of Man, Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow.—When the Messenger was arrested in the early years of WWII, the F.B.I. took the blackboard that the Messenger had written an explanation about the Mother’s Plane as well as a drawing of the Plane. The F.B.I. asked the Messenger about the drawing, and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told them that the blue prints of the Plane had been in Mecca for thousands of years and was given over to the Japanese government.—This Mother of Planes is fueled by water, and holds it’s position 6-12 months 40 miles out from the Earth’s atmosphere. Mother’s Plane travels using Magnetic Flux or Magnetic force. It only take 9 volts of electricity to split water or to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen, the 2 elements that make water(H2O). —-part 2——-This separation of the 2 elements that make up water and the use of the science of Magnetic Flux makes this plane the most highly advanced plane ever buildt, yet it’s design is from the far distant past. As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote in FALL OF AMERICA, “The same TYPE of plane was used by the ORIGINAL GOD to put mountains on His PLANETS.” Notice that the Messeger said this same TYPE of plane was used before, not just on earth, but was used by the ORIGINAL ALLAH(GOD) on other PLANETS. This should show you who WE really are! We (the Original Black Nation) are not some weak people, we where put to sleep so that Yakub’s made race(Caucasian or Colored Man) could rule their 6,000 years time given to them. Now it is time to show the WORLD OF MAN AND MANKIND who is the REAL GOD!—–The Holy Qur’an has the JINN or the White race saying that they “sought to reach heaven” but found it was/is guarded. A man by the name of Martin Stubbs has leaked video of NASA’s secret transmissions of so-called “U.F.O.s” flying around the international space station. Russia has video as-well of these “U.F.O.s”.——This Battle Star or Wheel-in-a-Wheel and her smaller plans have been seen more than ever before over Mexico, Brazil, North America, Europe, Russia and elsewhere. The high ranking rulers of the MASONIC ORDER know this, as shown by the statement of the late American Army Gen. Douglas MacArthur who was a Shriner(33 degree mason or Moslem-son),also the Vatican was aware of this as early as 1935, “The signs are increasing. The lights in the sky will appear red, blue, green, rapidly. Someone is coming from very far and wants to meet the people of the earth. Meetings have already taken place. But those who have really seen have been silent.”, Pope John XXII.———-We are VERY near the time when we will see this Plane go into action. The American rulers are planning to kill off the Original people of Earth because they know their time has ran out, and they have exceeded the limits! The Messenger said that America and England will be hit first! Look at how America and her Mother(England) is acting towards the Muslims and Darker Nations, even after being caught time and time again lieing about the war they started. The Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) said, “…This Wheel has 1500 of these little planes to drop bombs on America. They will go to the specific height over North America and they will drop these bombs. They will save three of these bombs to drop on England.” They(the govenments of America and England) know this, yet they have made up their sick satanic minds to fight ALLAH face-to-face, knowing they will loose. This is how evil these Devils rulers are, they would rather die than submit to ALLAH!—-Why should we follow such a people. ALLAH in the Person of Master W.Fard Muhammad is HERE to fight for US the Black Man! He is the GREAT MAHDI, Our Saviour, and He is now ready to show 100% of HIS POWER! This He must do or He wouldnot be the Saviour or the Mahdi and the Prophets would be made out to be liers. The Prophets didnot lie about this time, the Last Messenger, Elijah Muhammad didnot lie, nor will ALLAH-IN-PERSON words fail.—-Be on the look put for this Plane, for America is about to do something that will put the final nail in her own coffin. America will attack Iran and she may even attack herself, again, like she did on 9-11-01, when she attack the World Trade Center and said Muslims did it, when it was/is known that the 9-11 attacks was an inside job! This is known as a “false flag” or “sci-ops” operation used by the C.I.A and other groups for psychological warfare. —This was how the Devil stated this war on Islam and the Black Nation and other people of color. They wanted a “New World Order”, a “New Order” is indeed coming, but they willnot be here to see it. The New Order that will come is coming from ALLAH HIMSELF called the Kingdom of Peace or the “HERE-AFTER”. And it will be just that, “Here-After” or here on Earth, after the re-moving of the Man-of-Sin (the White Devils of Yakub).—-Islam, a new Islam, will be brought in, just as the Honorable Elija
« on: Mar 19th, 2006, 8:53am »
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Salaam—–In The Name Of ALLAH, The Beneficent, The Merciful——-”This will go into action when America starts using high explosives by dropping from the air. This thing will come out and get them. The Plane has 1500 of these small bombing planes. Each plane carries three bombs which will destroy everything within a 50 square mile area…….” The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh), THEOLOGY OF TIME————-WAR!!!–This is a time of UNIVERSAL WAR between ALLAH and the Devils. We have been hearing about this day coming since we can remember. Now, what we have been hearing is at our door! If you are over 40 years of age, this isnot so shocking, the younger people may say this is a “rumor” or “science-fiction”, that “you old G’s still believe in that mothership story”, well just wait, SOON we ALL will see what the Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned of.—Just 2 weeks ago, in the city of Phoenix, Arizona, 3 so-called ” U.F.O.’s” were seen and video taped, the tape was sent to Channel 3 news which aired the tape. On the tape, which can be seen on, one of the 3 ships is showing how it can move in any direction at will.—This is to show the dis-believers that the MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD was telling America the TRUTH. More and more of these small planes are being seen all over the Earth, just as the Messenger Elijah Muhammad said it would be.—America’s rulers know that their time has ran out, and they are fearful. Their plans of Global-Hegemony has failed, as the nations of the Earth are now turning their backs on America. With war being planned in Iran to give the rulers time to save themselves from the people of America, a planned attack by persons in the very Govenment of America on a major city would give the Government of America the excuse to put its Army on the streets(Martial Law), and the Govenment would then blame Iran for the attack. This would lead to a nuclear bomb attack on Iran, which would lead to WWIII, as Russia, and China would enter the war outright, to protect themselves from America. In THE FALL OF AMERICA, the Messenger Elijah Muhammad stated that Russia and America would fight, the Messenger also stated that both America and Russia would wipe-out each others air planes.–The Mother Plane would then destroy the remaining planes America had at their air bases here in America.—Go over the teachings of the Messenger Elijah Muhammad on this subject and you will see that the time is at hand! The book of Ezekiel(Bible) in the 1st and the 10th, speaks of the “Wheel-in-a-Wheel”. Now this vision has now become real. —-The Messenger Elijah Muhammad stated, ” The Time that we are living in now is the Time for Judgement of the white world. AMERICA IS NUMBER ONE. God has made the whole world turn against America in order to destroy her.”(THEOLOGY OF TIME)—That statement was made over 30 years ago, now the TIME the Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned of is here. After 9-11-01, America had the support of the nations of the Earth, now that the TRUTH of 9-11-01, and the Iraq war has come out, the nations of the Earth have turned their backs on America! America, it is now known by the nations of the Earth, knew that 9-11-01 attacks was an inside job, and the nations now know that the war in Iraq was started on a LIE. Now, NO NATION believes ANYTHING the rulers of America say.—-America, with its vast Army, Navy, and Air-Power, is waging war on the Black Nation here and elsewhere, who but ALLAH can save us from these BEASTS!—It is for this reason that the MIGHTY MOTHER’S PLANE WAS MADE. It was made for this Day and for this Time.—There are 24 elders, 12 are above, and 12 are here on Earth. Did you think that we, the Original Man(Black Nation), a people who have been here on Earth for TRILLIONS OF YEARS couldnot protect OUR EARTH AND OURSELVES when the Time came. We allowed these Devils of Dr. Yakub to rule us for 6,000 or so years. Now, the GREAT MAHDI MUHAMMAD, THE SON-OF-MAN(MASTER W. D. FARD MUHAMMAD) is here to show the world of Yakub(white-race) and MAN(ABORIGINALS) who is worthy to rule the Earth.–HURRY, HURRY THE TIME IS INDEED AT HAND! Join on to your own kind.—ALLAH-U-AKBAR!!!
Salaam—Please understand and remember what the Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) said concerning the building of the Mother Plane, ” It was made on the Island of Nippon (Japan) in 1929, and also took flight that same year.”———————————————————
Japan government spokesman says UFOs do exist
Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:44am GMT
TOKYO (Reuters) – Yes, UFOs do exist, Japan’s top government spokesman said on Tuesday.
The comment by chief cabinet secretary Nobutaka Machimura drew laughter from reporters at his regular briefing on government policy.
Earlier the cabinet, responding to an opposition lawmaker’s question, issued a statement saying it could not confirm any cases of unidentified flying objects.
“This is an issue that the nation is interested in — it is a defence issue and a confirmation operation needs to take place,” Ryuji Yamane, a lawmaker from the main opposition Democratic Party who submitted the question to the cabinet, told Reuters.
“But the government does not even try to collect information necessary for the confirmation.”
Machimura, asked about the government’s view on UFOs at a regular press conference, told reporters that the government can only offer a stereotyped response.
“Personally, I definitely believe they exist,” he said, apparently tongue in cheek.
But the prime minister stuck to the official view.
“I have yet to confirm (that UFOs exist),” Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda told reporters later in the day.
(Reporting by Yoko Kubota and George Nishiyama, Editing by Michael Watson)
Thank U 4 posting this. See U in the Here after.
Looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteWe're almost there!
Very hot information that we have all been piecing together daily. Love you family, meet me in the hereafter, i will have that galactik sacred herb waiting. love n light azalee
ReplyDelete@Azalee see you on the other side!
ReplyDeleteVery nice post...thanks dude...
ReplyDeleteEcovillage 1
All whites aren't evil so why wish bad on them?
ReplyDeleteLong live Muhammad!
ReplyDeleteThis is the real "good news" for the Black people. Not all whites are evil but they are the quiet beneficiaries of their white governments oppression against Blacks. Blacks died for the freedom of white people in America, Britain, France, and Africa, but no white people ever died for the freedom of Blacks. Therefore, this "mothership`' is for the total liberation of the Black people against white oppressors on the planet earth. Good News, indeed!!!